Natural Home Improvement from the Kitchen: Surprising Kitchen Items to Naturally Clean and Freshen the House

Getting tired of those chemical heavy cleaning fluids? Afraid that some cleaning chemicals may have allergic reactions with you, your family, and your pets? There are actually better ways to clean and sanitize around the house rather than using commercial chemical cleaners.

Perhaps you didn’t know that there are many homemade items and recipes in your kitchen and pantry that can empower you to freshen, clean, and disinfect without chemicals. Your ordinary household liquids are more than enough to create concoctions of common household ingredients that will vanquish dirt, germs, and odours.


Sprinkle salt on fresh grease stains in the oven. When the oven cools, wipe clean with a soft cloth. You can use any type of salt, even the iodized type often found in many homes.


Sanitize wooden cutting boards by rubbing them with half of a freshly cut lemon. For a cleaning bonus, toss the rind in the garbage disposal to keep it smelling fresh.

Cream of Tartar

To remove stains on tablecloths or clothing, combine two tablespoons of cream of tartar with two drops of peppermint, eucalyptus, or lemon essential oil. Add just enough water to make a paste. Spread the paste over the stain and allow it to dry before washing.


To clean and remove tarnish from copper, mix a half-cup of ketchup with two tablespoons cream of tartar. Spread on the copper and let stand for an hour. Rinse first in soapy water and then in clean water. Dry thoroughly.

Aluminium Foil

For an easy silver tarnish remover, place silver pieces in either a sink or a pan filled with water. Add two tablespoons cream of tartar or baking soda, plus a few strips of aluminum foil. Let the silver soak for an hour or until tarnish-free. Rinse well and dry thoroughly with a soft cloth.

Vanilla Extract

To preserve a fresh-smelling refrigerator, pour two ounces vanilla extract into a saucer or a small, shallow bowl. Place the vanilla on a lower shelf and leave it for a few days. Vanilla imitation extract is also fine. For smelly compartments because of fish or other smelly foods, you can place a piece of coal or charcoal to absorb the bad smell.

Olive Oil

To keep terra-cotta pots looking clean and new, coat them inside and out with a light layer of olive oil.