For 2014 and the Year of the Horse, Style Your Living Room Using Chinese Feng Shui

It can be stressful trying to reorganize your living room; you don’t know if that lamp should go there, whether the sofa should face that way, or if that mirror looks okay on that wall. There’s no need to stress about it any longer, because there is a way to do it that will leave […]

Better Home Improvement Using Better Home Lighting

You might have the most beautiful home on the block, but if you aren’t showing it off at night, it’s a waste. Just like interior lighting helps show off the finer details of your house, exterior lighting helps ensure that you and others can see it at night. The right exterior lighting will turn a […]

Natural Home Improvement from the Kitchen: Surprising Kitchen Items to Naturally Clean and Freshen the House

Getting tired of those chemical heavy cleaning fluids? Afraid that some cleaning chemicals may have allergic reactions with you, your family, and your pets? There are actually better ways to clean and sanitize around the house rather than using commercial chemical cleaners. Perhaps you didn’t know that there are many homemade items and recipes in […]